Genesis 31 : 32 (nkjv)
“With whomever you find your gods, do not let him live. In the presence of our brethren, identify what I have of yours and take it with you.” For Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.
Words are very powerful. Words are the premises upon which creation was established. To bring forth into existence, God had to speak creations into reality.
The words you speak always have implications, repercussions, and results; hence, beware of what you say. Do not speak words hastily and thoughtlessly.
There are many people today who are what they are because of what they have heard others say about them overtime and what they consistently speak about themselves. Be careful, don’t speak before you think, think before you speak. Don’t give excuses for careless talk; you might say it’s simply a joke, but you may have placed yourself or someone on a yoke.
Jesus said “every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment” (Matthew 12 verse 36). Many are good at accounting for their time, money, resources, positions but do not account for the words they speak. Remember, we will all account for every idle word spoken.
Now let’s see how Jacob killed Rachel with his words.
Jacob served Laban for fourteen years just to have Rachel as a wife. Jacob haven served Laban, decided that it was time to move out of Laban’s house with his family; in doing this, he decided not to carry his father-in-law (Laban) along. He took all his portion of cattle, properties, wives, and children on his journey began. Laban has overtime committed everything into Jacob’s hand with little or no supervision and did not notice that Jacob was gone with his family until it was three days later.
When Laban realized this, he summoned some of his servants to go after Jacob and his family. But God in his wisdom and infinite mercy appeared to Laban in a dream and warned him not to harm Jacob.
Meanwhile, Racheal stole her father’s idol at their departure without the knowledge of Jacob. When Laban finally overtook Jacob and his family, he was wrath with the sneaky way Jacob went about leaving his house with his daughters and grandchildren without saying goodbye. He was also particularly unhappy that his idol was stolen by Jacob’s family who professes to serve the God of Abraham and Isaac. When confronted with this allegation of the stolen idol, Jacob was quick to judge with his lips saying, “With whomever you find your gods, do not let him live. In the presence of our brethren, identify what I have of yours and take it with you” (Genesis 31 verse 32). He was ignorant of the fact that the one whom he loved the most has stolen the idol. Racheal then craftily hid the idol and after diligent search by Laban and his servants, no idol was found.
However, the words and pronouncement of Jacob were so powerful and profound that it was already established in the courts of heaven, the devil already agreed with the negative statement because one of his cardinal objectives is to kill, steal and destroy as seen in John 10 verse 10.
The above summarized incidence occurred in Genesis chapter 31. Four chapters after that, i.e. in Genesis chapter 35, Racheal died prematurely while giving birth to her second son. This is because of the pronouncement of Jacob that whosoever has the idol of Laban must not live.
Many children have died because of the words of their parents/guardians. Many glorious destinies and dreams have been terminated prematurely by the words of people who were ignorant of the weightiness and consequences of their careless utterances.
Be careful about what you speak, consciously bless your children, wife, friends, nation, business.
Your words carry authority, speak good about your dream, your future and vision and watch it as it gradually comes to pass
When you meet with Jesus and He becomes your Lord and Savior, he gives you the power to cancel every negative utterance in your life and teaches you how to order your words aright. When you have surrendered to Jesus and you begin to listen to his words, His words will wash you from the evils of the past and charts a new course for your future. John 15 verse 3 says – “You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you”. It doesn’t matter how dirty or condemned you have become through your own words or those of other people, you have the capacity to re-order your life by canceling the negative words of the past through the power of Jesus Christ and creating a great future with positive words from the scriptures.
Your future is bright,
You will not die,
You will live,
You are healed,
You are blessed,
Your business is blessed,
Your children are blessed,
Your family is blessed,
Thank you Jesus.
by Ndubuisi Paul Okafor
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What an inspiring article. This article goes to confirm the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:37 which says that “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
What a perfect summary!
Thanks for reading.